Thursday, January 15, 2015

Minty Fresh Breath

We have all seen the commercial where we swish Scope in our mouths for minty fresh breath.
There are several uses for mouthwash besides the fresh breath. Mouthwashes can have a therapeutic effect. The ingredient that carries the essential oils is alcohol! Alcohol also carries the flavoring agent of mouthwash, which is why there are very few mouthwashes which have no alcohol in them.

Mouthwashes are primarily used to help prevent gum disease, Listerine; used to prevent cavities, ACT; used to help people with a dry mouth, Biotene; or used to freshen breath, Scope. Depending on your need and doctor recommendation you can choose on that's best for you.

I just don't recommend using it to flavor your next mint julep.

Take care,

Dr. G

Friday, January 9, 2015

Bluetooth Dentistry?

Modern technology is on the rise. Will a dentist be able to utilize Bluetooth to fix your teeth?
As I blogged yesterday, there is a company in France which has a toothbrush and app to help children brush better by brushing for the recommended full two minutes.

Leave it to technology, Oral B and other toothbrush manufacturers are making Bluetooth enabled tooth brushes for adults. They can hook up with your Smart Phones to help you brush better and more efficiently.

As far as in our actual dental office, I don't see us being able to utilize Bluetooth technology right now. Currently we have lasers and we can also make crowns using computer generated images, However, I don't see robotics being utilized in dentistry. Robotics cannot replace the tactile sense of touch which allows me to provide gentle dentistry.

Have a blessed day and weekend.

Dr. G

Toothbrush technology has come to your mobile. Photo: Jim Merithew/Cult of Mac

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Happy New Year

Me and my staff would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

I hope you still have resolutions that you haven't broken. As for me I resolved to be more timely with my blogging, is one week too late?

I know a lot of people put improving their health as a New Years resolution. Healthy teeth and gums are critical to the long term health of your body.

We know that flossing is a difficult habit to get into, as well brushing for 2 minutes twice a day can also be a challenge. There's a French company, Kolibree, which has come up with a gaming app that can be used with its toothbrush. One app is a pirate game where you pick up gold coins, if you're not brushing properly the character won't pick up the coins. At the end of brushing if you did it properly and picked up the coins it displays a treasure chest full of coins.

This app was designed for children. I'm certain there's something that'll be coming for us big kids too!

Wishing that 2015 brings you everything you desire!

Dr. G