Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Brain Freeze

Have you ever one of those brain freeze's; not the one where you have an Icee too fast, but one where you do something that you knew you shouldn't do but did it anyway? You know like touching a hot stove or trying to answer your wife when she asks, "Does this make me look fat?"

That's what happened to me when I was trying to blog. I'm evaluating what time of the year we're in and then trying to write something of interest. Well, we just sailed through Halloween and I realized we're in November! What does this mean? Holidays, travel, Thanksgiving, presents, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years and what do I decide to blog about? Open Enrollment! That is until one of my trusty companions told me that I just grabbed a red hot poker! Now I'm icing my hand and feeling a little embarrassed. Let me just say if you have any questions on dental plans, call your dentist, they truly want to look out for whats best for you.

True Confessions! You want to know what the best part of Halloween? Buying candy at 50-75% of regular price. Yup I do have a sweet tooth and I hate getting a brain freeze.

By the way, honey you look great in that dress.

Dr. G


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